Saturday 1 October 2011

Singapore GP Meet the F1 Driver's Autograph Session 2011 + [An Appeal for help].

Every year the Organisers of the GP hosts a mandatory autograph session at the exclusive Paddock Club for selected contest winners and of course, well connected individuals.

Article 35.2 of the Formula 1 Regulations:
On a day suitable to the promoter’s schedule all drivers must be available for autograph signing. The time, place and procedure will be communicated to the teams by the FIA after agreement with the promoter and the Commercial Rights Holder.

Drivers must be available at all reasonable times during an Event to talk to the media as required by the FIA press delegate.

I shall not go delve into the reason why the session is not open to public unlike various GPs around the globe, because it would serve no purpose. It has been the way things have been run for the past few years and in Singapore you soon learn that most of the times, that's that. Rule #1: Don't question authority. ;)

The drivers work hard during the session, maybe even as hard as when they race, trying to churn out as many autographs as they possibly can to feed the insatiable crowd who form massive queues, no doubt flocking primarily to the red/white/blue drivers - not that I am any exception.

Then again, they are probably very much used to these PR events which brings the public closer to the sport.

At the end of the day, everyone leaves feeling happy, having enjoyed the presence of the drivers and the cocktail reception on offer.

[An appeal for help]

 I am a collector of the Singapore GP postcards (looking for those I have not gotten yet), so if you do know anyone who has attended this year's/previous years event, please get in touch. I'm sure we can work out a trade with my spare autographs that will make both parties happy.

My 2011 copies.

My 2010 copies.

My 2009 spares; looking for Romain Grosjean

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