Wednesday 10 October 2012

Singapore GP 2012: Meeting Kimi Raikkonen in Person

By some sheer dumb luck, I got myself access to a closed-door Lotus event that Kimi would appear in during the build up to the 2012 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix.

Basically the event was scheduled in three phases - Media, Lotus car owners and invited guests of the public like myself. Needless to say, Cheryl Tay was in attendance as part of the media. She's a really prominent feature in most, if not all of these exclusive sessions. How fortunate! I am always eyeing her Paddock Pass with envy! Hah!

 As we waited patiently for our turn, some finger food were served...

I did unfortunately catch Raikkonen in a grumpy mode though. Perhaps it was the group of fans who went behind him to get a photo with him, or just too much signing.

  Nonetheless, I'm not complaining! See what I managed to get signed!! He was even willing to autograph a Ferrari card I brought to the event. Thanks Kimi! And thanks to Lotus for the really heavy coffee table The Lotus Book. I also got him to sign on it! That's one for the future coffee table. All in all, a pretty cool session, even if it was really short.

1 comment:

  1. How?? Hahaha. Is this a contest or something? I wanna meet him so baaaddd! But did you get to talk to him? hahah.
