Sunday 9 October 2011

Paddock visit to the Lotus GP team garage.



Every time I step into the Paddock, it excitement never diminishes. You leave wishing you had more time with that holy pass. Its like getting backstage passes to met the stars of the concert you attended, just brighter and with much much more going on. I had a field day, basically getting autographs from every single World Champion on the grid, apart from Vettel. 

Funnily this time in Singapore no matter how I tried, he seemed to have eluded me. But that's how fate works.

It was like a game of Spot the Drivers. Always being on the lookout for movement around the paddock and well, stalking them, as some would put it. Heck it! Fanboy mode: ON!


So, in essence, courtesy of Team Lotus and the Bishan CC guys, I got myself coveted access to the paddock and Lotus' garage. Granted, it was a Thursday, no sessions were on on-going and thus the garages were a little subdued, nonetheless!!! The group got an introduction to the placements of the garages, how they are arranged according to the previous years' performances of teams and drivers. We also got to get upclose to the cars and the mechanics hard at work. No side/rear photos though, since engineering secrets were at stake!

As I reminisce, I feel a tinge of regret. Perhaps I should have taken more photos to look back on, waited longer for Sebastian, brought a better marker. But life's like that and there's no point harping over what's past. Move on, look forward, next year will be better!

Last year it was the Red Bull garage I visited, this year Team Lotus'. Fingers crossed, Ferrari beckons in 2012? :)

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