Thursday 6 October 2011

The passing of Jobs.

Today marks a sad day for human kind with the death of a revolutionary. Though definitely a sadder day for the fanboys, I would add. The world has spoken their kind words, but perhaps if we thought about it, Steve's encounter with pancreatic cancer was a blessing.

Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer in 2003/2004, and since then the world has stood witness to brilliant products that changed not only Apple's standing, but how its competitors functioned. Jobs himself once mentioned that the idea of death, ever looming, provided him with the desire to make the fullest of his life.

The social media was abuzz with news of his death when I woke, and how apt that the man whose vision created The Social Media would have his death told to millions over the very same way.

As we thank him for the change he has brought into people of all walks of life, we remember.

Jobs once said, Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

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