Sunday 2 October 2011

Let's go to the Singapore GP. (F1 Paddock Club)

Was afforded the immense luxury of visiting the Formula One Paddock Club at the 2011 Formula 1 Singtel Grand Prix, even if just for a brief while. Hospitality at its finest; there's a reason why these tickets cost a leg (topping S$10,000) and are only reserved for the most important of customers.

Even the passes are exquisitely designed and all patrons have to scan them prior to clearing water-tight security. You get to keep them at the end of the day, together with any autographs on them if you get lucky with the drivers (not so much luck there).


Once you're done with security, awesomeness awaits. Behold the view to kill for: 
Depending on whose guest you are, you get to see a different team perform their pit stops, right above your very eyes! It really doesn't get much better than that, unless you're changing the tires yourself.

Did I mention, live entertainment (as if the track action isn't captivating enough) free flow alcoholic beverages, including Mumm Champagne, the official F1 Champagne, ice cream and hey, throw in some Michelin cuisine to enhance the already delightful experience!

Coming up soon: Visit to the Lotus Team Garage, courtesy of, duh... Team Lotus.

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