Sunday 9 October 2011

Paddock visit to the Lotus GP team garage.



Every time I step into the Paddock, it excitement never diminishes. You leave wishing you had more time with that holy pass. Its like getting backstage passes to met the stars of the concert you attended, just brighter and with much much more going on. I had a field day, basically getting autographs from every single World Champion on the grid, apart from Vettel. 

Funnily this time in Singapore no matter how I tried, he seemed to have eluded me. But that's how fate works.

It was like a game of Spot the Drivers. Always being on the lookout for movement around the paddock and well, stalking them, as some would put it. Heck it! Fanboy mode: ON!


So, in essence, courtesy of Team Lotus and the Bishan CC guys, I got myself coveted access to the paddock and Lotus' garage. Granted, it was a Thursday, no sessions were on on-going and thus the garages were a little subdued, nonetheless!!! The group got an introduction to the placements of the garages, how they are arranged according to the previous years' performances of teams and drivers. We also got to get upclose to the cars and the mechanics hard at work. No side/rear photos though, since engineering secrets were at stake!

As I reminisce, I feel a tinge of regret. Perhaps I should have taken more photos to look back on, waited longer for Sebastian, brought a better marker. But life's like that and there's no point harping over what's past. Move on, look forward, next year will be better!

Last year it was the Red Bull garage I visited, this year Team Lotus'. Fingers crossed, Ferrari beckons in 2012? :)

Thursday 6 October 2011

The passing of Jobs.

Today marks a sad day for human kind with the death of a revolutionary. Though definitely a sadder day for the fanboys, I would add. The world has spoken their kind words, but perhaps if we thought about it, Steve's encounter with pancreatic cancer was a blessing.

Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer in 2003/2004, and since then the world has stood witness to brilliant products that changed not only Apple's standing, but how its competitors functioned. Jobs himself once mentioned that the idea of death, ever looming, provided him with the desire to make the fullest of his life.

The social media was abuzz with news of his death when I woke, and how apt that the man whose vision created The Social Media would have his death told to millions over the very same way.

As we thank him for the change he has brought into people of all walks of life, we remember.

Jobs once said, Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Monday 3 October 2011

Raffles Hotel and the authentic Singapore Sling.

Pardon me, but just recently I stepped into the lobby of the Raffles Hotel for the first time. You mean they had a lobby? Who knew? As you'd expect, colonial architecture greets you the moment you enter, and taking in the sight took some time. After the feeling sets in, you begin to comprehend why people go on about Raffles.

The rooms are named after eminent guests who once resided in the very ones. In this case, Nobel Prize laureate Pablo Neruda. Translated copies of his works are placed in the room for the guests' convenience, to complete the experience (although for me they were a struggle, being unable to cope with pages after pages of poems).


Included in the room rate (think really steep), is the option to select the pillow that caters to your best needs. If that is not Wow, I don't know what is. And, your very own porch, shielded from prying eyes where you can halt time and unwind at the end of the day. 


To the Long Bar then, for the Singapore Sling fix. Rumour has it Raffles was where the first was concocted by a Chinese bartender. Today the cocktail ranks on the must-do lists of most visitors, admired for the refreshing burst of taste, definitely an ideal choice any time of the day to combat the heat and humidity.Sure you've heard how Singapore is a Fine ($$$) City. Well in the Long Bar, you get to litter your groundnut shells all over the floor. Great fun if you ask me, if you're with friends, being able to leave the cleaning up to someone else                                 
At the end of the day, if you want to have a go at the Sling, simply ask for a recipe, the staff are more than willing to oblige. But are you sure you want miss all that shell-throwing fun?                                                     

Sunday 2 October 2011

Let's go to the Singapore GP. (F1 Paddock Club)

Was afforded the immense luxury of visiting the Formula One Paddock Club at the 2011 Formula 1 Singtel Grand Prix, even if just for a brief while. Hospitality at its finest; there's a reason why these tickets cost a leg (topping S$10,000) and are only reserved for the most important of customers.

Even the passes are exquisitely designed and all patrons have to scan them prior to clearing water-tight security. You get to keep them at the end of the day, together with any autographs on them if you get lucky with the drivers (not so much luck there).


Once you're done with security, awesomeness awaits. Behold the view to kill for: 
Depending on whose guest you are, you get to see a different team perform their pit stops, right above your very eyes! It really doesn't get much better than that, unless you're changing the tires yourself.

Did I mention, live entertainment (as if the track action isn't captivating enough) free flow alcoholic beverages, including Mumm Champagne, the official F1 Champagne, ice cream and hey, throw in some Michelin cuisine to enhance the already delightful experience!

Coming up soon: Visit to the Lotus Team Garage, courtesy of, duh... Team Lotus.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Singapore GP Meet the F1 Driver's Autograph Session 2011 + [An Appeal for help].

Every year the Organisers of the GP hosts a mandatory autograph session at the exclusive Paddock Club for selected contest winners and of course, well connected individuals.

Article 35.2 of the Formula 1 Regulations:
On a day suitable to the promoter’s schedule all drivers must be available for autograph signing. The time, place and procedure will be communicated to the teams by the FIA after agreement with the promoter and the Commercial Rights Holder.

Drivers must be available at all reasonable times during an Event to talk to the media as required by the FIA press delegate.

I shall not go delve into the reason why the session is not open to public unlike various GPs around the globe, because it would serve no purpose. It has been the way things have been run for the past few years and in Singapore you soon learn that most of the times, that's that. Rule #1: Don't question authority. ;)

The drivers work hard during the session, maybe even as hard as when they race, trying to churn out as many autographs as they possibly can to feed the insatiable crowd who form massive queues, no doubt flocking primarily to the red/white/blue drivers - not that I am any exception.

Then again, they are probably very much used to these PR events which brings the public closer to the sport.

At the end of the day, everyone leaves feeling happy, having enjoyed the presence of the drivers and the cocktail reception on offer.

[An appeal for help]

 I am a collector of the Singapore GP postcards (looking for those I have not gotten yet), so if you do know anyone who has attended this year's/previous years event, please get in touch. I'm sure we can work out a trade with my spare autographs that will make both parties happy.

My 2011 copies.

My 2010 copies.

My 2009 spares; looking for Romain Grosjean