Wednesday 10 October 2012

Singapore GP 2012: Meeting Kimi Raikkonen in Person

By some sheer dumb luck, I got myself access to a closed-door Lotus event that Kimi would appear in during the build up to the 2012 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix.

Basically the event was scheduled in three phases - Media, Lotus car owners and invited guests of the public like myself. Needless to say, Cheryl Tay was in attendance as part of the media. She's a really prominent feature in most, if not all of these exclusive sessions. How fortunate! I am always eyeing her Paddock Pass with envy! Hah!

 As we waited patiently for our turn, some finger food were served...

I did unfortunately catch Raikkonen in a grumpy mode though. Perhaps it was the group of fans who went behind him to get a photo with him, or just too much signing.

  Nonetheless, I'm not complaining! See what I managed to get signed!! He was even willing to autograph a Ferrari card I brought to the event. Thanks Kimi! And thanks to Lotus for the really heavy coffee table The Lotus Book. I also got him to sign on it! That's one for the future coffee table. All in all, a pretty cool session, even if it was really short.

Singapore GP 2012 Driver's Autograph Session Experience

Lucky me Lucky me!! This Formula 1 season, I managed to get my hands on coveted passes to the Official Singapore GP organised Autograph Session at the all exclusive Paddock Club. 

An absolutely delightful experience I must say. Although I do have to point out that this year's session was pretty disappointing in terms of the beverages and reception on offer. The conspiracy theory is that there are budget constraints, especially since the contract extension was still in the works at that point in time.

And the appearances of drivers were poorly staggered! Everyone was in the queue for the Ferrari guys when Alonso and Massa appeared, as there were no other drivers at other tables. A pity I didn't get the chance to meet them.

Check out the signed postcards I also managed to collect! This time around I managed to get the full complete set! It was just hectic - the session. I have every single Driver Card signed, except Kimi's, so hopefully he doesn't leave the sport at the end of the year. I need to get him to sign it next year! 

To cap it off, Michael Schumacher obliged me with a photo! Pretty darn amazing if you ask me, seeing as its his last Singapore GP race and season. Who cares if he crashes into the back of some poor kid? 

Finally, a special shoutout to Richard for affording me the opportunity! Cheers!!